
Program instalasi listrik
Program instalasi listrik

program instalasi listrik

The method of implementing this partner village development program consists of several stages, namely: (1) Application of suitable technology for solar water pump to supply water tank (2) Transfer technology based on renewable energy utilization to increase knowledge and skills for the community in the remote village. The water pump supplied by solar energy is the most suitable technology to be applied in the area that has limited access to electricity grid.

program instalasi listrik program instalasi listrik

The problems regarding the limited access of electricity have been faced by the coastal community in Talaud Island. This technology is applied in Kiama village that is located in the remote island of Talaud. This community service aims to apply the technology of independence supply electricity based on renewable source of energy that is available locally. Community service, Kiama village, remote island, renewable energy, solar water pump Abstract

Program instalasi listrik